Passion - chapters 1 - 13
In Passsion the Fallen novel Luce had been going back into time to find out what happened to her past selves. She had been travelling through announcers which let her go back into her own past lives. She is trying to find herself but the further back she goes the more lost she is getting. Daniel is running through time after her. But is always just one step too late. -
Passion, Chapters 13-19
So far Luce is still wondering in the past, Daniel has caught up with two Nephilim friends of Luce who are looking for her. Daniel then has a sudden realisation that he knows where to find Luce, and hes ready to see her. So he goes to find her by himself, but on his journey through an announcer a 'scale' angel meets up with him and sends him on the 'right track' to find Luce, but is the scale angel trustworthy ? Luce has found her way to break the curse forever, that is painful. Will she do it ?