Jan 1, 700
Ghana (Rises)
Jan 1, 800
Mali (Rises)
Jan 1, 1100
Ghana (Falls)
Jan 1, 1300
Songhay (Rises)
Jan 1, 1400
Exploration of Africa
The Protuguese explored Africa's coast looking for a sea route to Asia that bypassedthe Mediterranean. -
Jan 1, 1487
Age of Exploration
During the Age of Exploration explorers undertook many long distance sea voyages to look for new trade routes. This led to the European conquest and colonization of much of the world. -
Jan 1, 1500
Atlantic Slave Trade (Rises)
Jan 1, 1550
Mali (Falls)
Asante emerged in the area occupied by present day Ghuana. Also managed the royal on gold mining and the slave trade. They built a wealthy powerful state by playing rival Europeans against each other to protect themselves. -
Industrial Revolution (Rises)
The main things that were involved in the industrial revolution were technology, socioeconomic, and cultural. -
Arkwright's water frame
A spinning machine powered by water which then produced a cotton yarn which is sutiable for wrap. This repesented an improment on the spinning jenny which once produced weaker thread only sutiable for weft (filling yarn). -
Atlantic Slave Trade (Falls)
Origin of Species
Charles Darwin published origin of species. He argued that all forms of life evolved from the present state over millions of years. -
Social Darwinism/ Survival of the fittest
The theory that persons and races are subject to the same laws of natural selection as Charles Darwin had preceived in plants and animals in nature. The weak were diminished and cultures were delimited. -
Partition of Africa (Rises)
Cause of most Arican boarders today. Britain, France, Germany, and other European powers began a scramble for the African territories. -
Indrustrial Revolution (Falls)
The government moved into the social and economic realm. They did this to meet the needs of their more complex indrustiral societies. -
Partition of Africa (Falls)
Great Britian dominated the breadth of the African continent from Egypt to South Africa