Part ll: WW1 Timeline

  • The Great Balkan Wars

    The Great Balkan Wars
    -The IMRC was founded in 1893, It was originally Organized to resist Turkish Administration.
    -The First Balkan war was fought by Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro and the Ottoman Empire.
    -The Balkan League was formed under the Russian auspices in Spring
    -Montenegro opened Hostilities to Turkey by declaring War on them in 1912 of March.
    -The Balkan Allies were successful against the Balkan Powers, Bulgarians Defeated the Ottoman forces (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).
  • Lusitania sinks

    Lusitania sinks
    -German U-Boats torpedoed the Lusitania which kicked off the chain events that started WW1.
    In 1915, February 10th.
    -German Naval Commanders knew that the British merchants were arming their ships and both merchant and Civilian Ships were transporting weapons.
    -Six days prior to leaving from New York to Liverpool at 5:20 am in the morning. The Lusitnania was Torpedoed twice causing it to sink which only took 20 minutes and took the lives of over 1,260 passengers that Morning (McDermott, 2022).
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    -World War 1 or known as “The Great War” started because a Serbian Revolutionary took his opportunity to kill Archduke Ferninand by a Gunshot to the chest which killed him on the spot.
    -Ferninand believed that Serbians were “Pigs,” “Thieves,” “Murderers,” and “Scoundrels.
    -The Young Bosinians, A Secret Revolutionary Society learned about his Arrival and began to Plot to Assassinate him in Public (Greenspan, 2020).
  • World War I begins

    World War I begins
    -A Horrific war that lasted for 4 years with many losses of lives and involvement of explosives and trench warfare.
    -The Participants of this war were Bulgaria, Russia, Japan, United States, Ottoman Empire, Portugal, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy.
    -French Soldiers Wore a Distinct light blue trench coat.
    -Many tanks were involved with this war, Such as British Mark 1 Tanks and HS-MGC that were used at the battle of the Somme ( Editors, 2021).
  • The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun
    -The Battle of Verdun occurred during February 21-December 18 of 1916.
    -Around 400,000 Germans died during the battle of Verdun.
    -The Dangerous War tactic known as Attrition was used heavily during this battle.
    -The French held the Fortress of Verdun during the battle to possibly gain an Advantage over the German forces.
    -Before the battle began, French Airmen detected German Forces pushing to the Fortress of Verdun Imperial War Museums, 2023).
  • The Battle of Gallipoli, Somme

    The Battle of Gallipoli, Somme
    -The Battle of Gallipoli was the most Aggressive and Costly battle of the World War 1 Conflict.
    -During the Battle, Both sides began to Bombard each other with Artillery for a week straight.
    -When the British Forces advanced to the German defenses to discover that the German Defenses have not fallen nor been Broken.
    -Both sides suffered heavy casualties with very little Progress from both sides of the battlefield (Imperial War Museums, 2023).
  • Zimmermann Note

     Zimmermann Note
    -March 1st of 1917, American Public was informed that Germany sent a code to Mexico for them to Ally with Germany
    -British Intelligence Intercepted a Secret Message that was sent out to Mexico and Japan requesting to form a Triangular Alliance with Eachother.
    -Russian’s gave British Intelligence a German codebook so they could Decrypt any Codes that were sent out by the Germans (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023).
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    -WW1 saw the Crumbling of Empires, Russian Empire included.
    -Czar Nicholas ll declared war against Germany and Austria-Hungary in July of 1914.
    -Czar Nicholas ll was killed 3 years later, He was stabbed and shot to death.
    -His entire family was Herded in a cellar by Bolshevikian Revolutionaries and executed by Stabbing and Shooting.
    -Soon after the Russian Empire collapsed Came a greater power, A power that will be known as the Soviet Union (Kiger, 2021).
  • The U.S Enters the War

    The U.S Enters the War
    -In 1914 when the first world war broke out, The American population supported President Winslow’s choice of staying out which made them Anti-War.
    -German U-Boats continued to Sink American Merchant ships which led the U.S to put the dukes up and join the War.
    -America Declared War on Germany.
    -Germany started to use Unrestricted U-Boat Warfare which caused American Ships to crash on the seafloor, And made -America Declare War on Germany (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023).
  • Russia withdraws from war

    Russia withdraws from war
    -Russia withdrew from the war because of Military Failure, Political Turmoil and Economic Struggles.
    -The Russian Empire suffered many Defeats in the front.
    Russian Military was Plagued by a wave of Low Morale and Desertion
    -The Strain of war also exacerbated existing Russian Economic Issues.
    -Russia suffered from Food shortage and Inflation which finally led to Russia’s Withdrawal from the war in 1918 of March (History for Kids, 2023).
  • The Battle of Chateau-Thierry

    The Battle of Chateau-Thierry
    -The National Guard’s newly battle tested Division finally went on the Offensive during the battle against the German.
    -The National Guards new Regiment was known as the “Rainbow” Division.
    -The 42nd “Rainbow” Division finally pushed back against the German Forces.
    -The 42nd “Rainbow” Division saw the most fierce fighting when battling against the Germans (Goldenberg, 2018).
  • The Battle of Argonne

     The Battle of Argonne
    -The Battle of Argonne happened on September 26 to November 11, 1918
    -Argonne was a very wooded hill in France that formed a very natural Barrier.
    -It was here the Prussians were repulsed by The French.
    -The U.S Forces swept over the Germans during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive in 1918.
    -The Argonne hills had a very big Strategic Importance ( Editors, 2020).
  • Armistice of WWI

    Armistice of WWI
    -The Armistice of WW1 happened during the German Spring Offensive during 1918.
    -The Allies pushed them back with the immense Successful ‘100’ Day Campaign.
    -The War lasted a Horrific four years.
    -Due to the utter defeat of the Armistice, Germany had Social unrest and many Revolutions started in Germany.
    -After many moons, Due to the Germans weakened Military and Government. They decided to sign on the Allies form (Sawer, n.d.).
  • The Treaty of Versailles signed

    The Treaty of Versailles signed
    -The Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919 in Spring,
    -The Treaty discussed Germany's Terrorization and Crimes.
    -German Population and Territory was Reduced by 10%.
    -Germany was forced to pay an impossible amount of money for the damages and lives that were lost during the first world war.
    -Germany grew a resentment towards the Treaty of Versailles (National Geographic Society, 2023).
  • First meeting of the League of Nations

    First meeting of the League of Nations
    -The League of Nation was the first intergovernmental Organization established to “Promote International Cooperation.)
    -They discussed the charge of supervising “Mandated Territories”
    -These “Mandated Territories” were former German Colonies and Ottoman territories.
    -The Creation of The League of Nations marked a new era for humanity.
    -Ottoman Territories were placed under something called “Tutelage” (United Nations, n.d.).