Part II-Performance Task

  • Spanish/American War

    Spanish/American War
    a war between Spain and America.
  • Treaty Of Paris

    Treaty Of Paris
    Ended the Spanish American War. Spain had to relinquish its land from the western hemishpere
  • U.S Takes Hawaii

    U.S Takes Hawaii
    The U.S. wanted to imperialize and take more land and spread influence. They wanted Hawaii for the sugar plantations and to have it as a naval base.
  • Annexation of Philippines

    Annexation of Philippines
    America wanted the Phillippines for commercial opportunities in Asia. They also thought they were incapable of self-rule
  • Philippine American War

    Philippine American War
    fighting broke out because the Filipinos wanted independence rather than having another ruler
  • Roosevelt Diplomacy

    Roosevelt Diplomacy
    big stick ideology, "Speak softly, and carry a big stick." tactic used to get land in Panama to build the Panama Canal.
  • Building the Panama Canal

    Building the Panama Canal
    a man-made river/dam to allow ships to have quicker and easier access from going from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.
  • WWI

    The first world war that broke out due to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Fighting countries brought in their allies and all countries were involved. The United States joined late because they wanted to stay neutral.
  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    At the beginning of WWI, thousands of African Americans went to northern states due to the opening of job opportunities and to live in nicer cities
  • 1918 Spanish Flu

    1918 Spanish Flu
    A strong sickness that killed about 50 million people. The biggest and deadliest pandemic in history. Lasted about a year.