My timeline!

  • Parents meet in collage! 10BB

    Parents meet in collage! 10BB
    At eastrosberg college!
  • buys 2nd house (recent house) 4BB

    buys 2nd house (recent house) 4BB
    In sprinfield near wawa!
  • Period: to 2001 BCE

    Parents get married! 4 BB

  • Buys 1st house! 3BB

    Buys 1st house! 3BB
    in springfield, near sabold

  • caseys born ( sister ) 2AB

    caseys born ( sister ) 2AB
    when i was 2 yrs old.
  • first girl cousin was born 6AB

    first girl cousin was born 6AB
    when i was in kinderkarten.
  • got a dog 10 AB

    got a dog 10 AB
    when i was ten
  • mom and dad get good jobs, they like. 11 Ab

    mom and dad get good jobs, they like. 11 Ab
    Fun times.
  • Eagles win the super bowl!! 12 AB

    Eagles win the super bowl!! 12 AB
    E A G L E S