paola mejia 11°2

  • birth

    my name is jessica paola mejia payares born on july 14, 2005 in the city of barrancabermeja.
  • baptism

    I was baptized on December 8, 2006, in the city of Barrancabermeja in the church sacred family
  • I graduated from preschool

    I graduated from preschool
    my first day of class was on January 15, 2011 at the institution camilo torres restrepo, in the manuela beltran headquarters
  • I graduated from fifth grade

    I graduated from fifth grade
    in 2017 I finished elementary school at the manuela beltran
  • first day in high school

    first day in high school
    my first day of class was January 16, 2017 at the camilo torres restrepo institution.
  • Operation

    on November 16, 2018 I underwent surgery for an umbilical hernia at the San Rafael hospital
  • First Communion

    First Communion
    I made my first communion in to Holy Family Church, a few days after my operation.
  • my confirmation

    my confirmation
    I made my confirmation in the Church of the Holy Family, a few days after my first comunion
  • pandemia

    I stopped going to school and started studying virtually
  • went back to school

    went back to school
    I went back to school after two years of pandemic doing grade 11
  • I met nicol

    I met nicol