Pancho Villa

  • Pancho Villa Was Born

    Pancho Villa Was Born
    Pancho Villa was born on June 5, 1878, in San Juan del Rio, Durango, Mexico. Pancho Villa spent most of his children working and helping out on his parents farm.
  • Pancho's father pasted away

    Pancho's father pasted away
    At the age of 15 Panchos father died in his late 40’s. When his father died Pancho Villa took the main role in the household to do the heavy work. Then at the age of 17, 2 years later Pancho shot a man who was harassing one of his sisters.
  • Pancho ran away

    Pancho ran away
    In 1894 Pancho fled and spent 6 years on the run in the mountains until he met and joined a group of Fugitives and then became a bandit. Then in 1910 Pancho was still a Fugitive, but then joined Francisco Madero successful uprising against the Mexican dictator.
  • Pancho Villa goes to jail

    Pancho Villa goes to jail
    In the year of 1912 Pancho Villa was accused of stealing Huertas horse. Then shortly after that Pancho Villa execution was ordered. Until one of his close friends got him to go to jail instead of risking his life.
  • Pancho Villa escaped from jail

    Pancho Villa escaped from jail
    In the year of 1912 on December the 27 close to christmas eve pancho received a letter that said he had to stay in jail from (December to June.) Then on that exact day he decided to escape and he was successful and didn’t get caught.
  • Pancho Villa shot 18 people

    Pancho Villa shot 18 people
    Then in the year of 1914 Pancho and his friend Venustiano Carranza became enemies, and the people of Mexico agreed with Panchos friend. Then Pancho got angry and shot 18 people.
  • Pancho and the rebels attacked Columbus.

    Pancho and the rebels attacked Columbus.
    March 9, 1916, Pancho was angry at the U.s and brought in rebels to raid Columbus. Then after the raid, he slaughtered 19 more people. The rebels and Pancho also ravaged the town of Mexico.
  • Columbus sent 18 soldiers to find Pancho

    Columbus sent 18 soldiers to find Pancho
    May 20, 1916, after the raid on Columbus the search for Pancho Villa began. The governor sent 18 soldiers to look for Pancho Villa. They searched for over one year and still never found him.
  • Pancho Villa showed up in town in 1920

    Pancho Villa showed up in town in 1920
    Then in the year of 1920 Pancho Villa reappeared in the city of Mexico. As Pancho got off the train a News reporter saw him and made a newspaper for the people of the city of Mexico. The people of Mexico were still afraid.
  • Pancho Villa was killed/shot

    Pancho Villa was killed/shot
    Then in the year of 1923 July 20, Pancho Villa had retired from his life as a killer, bandit, and revolutionary leader after receiving a hacienda from De la Huerta. Then after three ( 3 ) years Villa was shot whiling sitting in the front seat of a car and died. Returning home from a baptism that was held for the child of him and his mistress, Villa and his bodyguards heard a man yell, "Viva Villa!" Villa's car was shot over forty times and he was killed instantly. The killer was never found.