Panama's independence and the Canal
Panama seperated from Columbia becoming independent, as the U.S quickly recognized their independence they followed by gaining rights to the building of the canal. -
Panama's National Guard
The National Guard of Panama began to take control of the countries inports and exports. It began freezing prices of all goods and the selling of them. -
Death of Omar Torrijos
Omar Torrijo dies in a plane crash. -
After Torrijos death, Manuel Noriega becomes chief of the national guard and later becomes the driving force behind the Panama government -
Political Prisoners
National Guard begins arresting politicians with opposing views and those conducting protests. Places thme in jails with poor conditions and beat them into submission to new government control. -
Numbers rise
Political Prisoner reaches 700. -
Failed Coup
opponents of the militaries control in Panama failed to fully make a military coup of Manuel Noriega -
Pressures not effective
CIA Director William Webster reported that despite political pressures that are designed to oust General Manuel Noriega, he has not been forced out yet. -
Panama in economic crisis because of drug activity and corruption, almost 40% of the national budget being used for national debt. -
Aid to Opponent
President Bush signed a secret intelligence directive to provide more than 10 million to opponent of Manuel Noriega in the upcoming election. -
U.S troops in Panama increase from 10,3000 to 12,300. -
CIA admission
CIA reported that human right abuses in Panama are not as grave compared to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. -
President Bush declines public rumors of American operation in Panama. -
U.S Attack
With no warning, U.S lands 12,000 troops in Panama and launches an air strike of Panama City and Selon. -
U.S Media
U.S news media 'failed' to report 1000 dead civilians in Panama. (Later in 1991, concluded that the number was around 3000-5000) -
Manuel Noriega arrested on Drug offenses and is sentenced to 40 years in prison, to be served in U,S jail.