
  • Roosevelt Rented the Land

    Roosevelt Rented the Land
    Roosevelt has decided that the best location for the canal is in Panama. Roosevelt offered Colombia $10 million dollars and $250 thousand. So that the US to rent their land. However Colombia said that the rights were far more than what the US offered.
  • Panama Revolt

    Panama Revolt
    On November 3rd 1903 US gunships were in the harbor to help the rebels fight. US Marines then landed in Colombia They prevented armed Colombian troops from Germany to Panama. Americans were surprised that Roosevelt role in the revolt. US Immediately recognized Panama as the Republic of Panama.
  • Revolt

    3 Days after the revolt a french man signed the treaty. Allowing the U.S. permanent control over the zone across the Isthmus. The U.S. agreed to pay $10million dollars and $250thousand dollars every year in rent.
  • U.S. begins building Panama canal

    U.S. begins building Panama canal
    March 1904 European nations considered using military force to collect overdue debt from the Dominican Republic. Roosevelt announced that the building of the Panama canal will begin.
  • malaria and yellow fever wiped out

    malaria and yellow fever wiped out
    Gorgas had wiped out malaria and yellow fever in Panama. Before starting the canal they had to dam a river. They also faced having to cut through a mountain. And also erect the canal's giant locks.
  • The Panama Canal was Finished!

    The Panama Canal was Finished!
    The canal was finally opened. August 15, 1914 after 10 years of working on the canal the atlantic and pacific ocean were joined together. After having to to take out mosquitos cut through a mountain. Dam a river and erect the canal's giant locks.