

  • Nov 14, 1501

    The first European sighting

    The first European sighting was in 1501 by Rodrigo de Bestidas
  • Nov 14, 1502

    Columbus in 1502

    Columbus was the first person to explore Panama in 1502. A small colony was formed but was later attacked by native tribes and the people from the colony were rescued. The colony was abandoned.
  • Nov 14, 1510

    First sucsessful settlement

    The first successful settlement was founded by Vasco Nunez de Balboa and was called Santa Maria la Antigua del Darien
  • Nov 14, 1514

    Settlers went to Panama

    A total of 1,500 settlers traveled to Panama.
  • Nov 14, 1519

    The foundation of Panama

    Panama was founded in 1519 by Pedrarias Davila
  • The sacking and buring of Panama

    The sacking and burning of panama in 1671
  • the Independence of Panama

    Panama proclaimed freedom on November 10, 1821 but a meeting due to the act on November 28, 1821.
  • Panama joins Columbia

    Panama joins Columbia after Gran Columbia collapses.
  • Gold seekers come to Panama

    Gold seekers, going to California traveled into panama seeking gold
  • The Panama Railway in the 1850's

    The Panama Railway was the first Transcontinental railway of Central and north America.
  • The attempted canal by France in the 1880's

    France attempted a canal in the 1850's but it failed.
  • Second Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

    Us given the rights to build a canal through Panama.
  • Panama becomes fully independent

    Panama becomes fully independent from Columbia with US help on November 3, 1903
  • The First Presedent of Panama

    The First President of Panama was Manuel Amador Guerrero.
  • 1904

    Us begins the Panama Canal
  • Panama's currency

    Panama adopted US dollar as official currency
  • Panama Canal opens

    The official opening of the Panama Canal, ten years after the project was started.
  • 1939

    Panama no longer is protected by the US.
  • Panamas first female presedent

    Mireya Moscoso
  • Panamas control of the Panama Canal

    Panama gains full control of canal after US 'gives' canal to them.