spooner bill
Written by Senator John Spooner, and soon signed by President roosevelt. The bill authorized purchasing the assets of French assets, Compagnie Nouvelle du Canal de Panama, provided a treaty with Columbia. -
revolution in Panama
Panama decides to be independent from Columbia and with the help of the United States Panama forms a declaration of independence. -
Republic of panama
the USA reconnizes the Republic of Panama. The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty is signed with the US and Panama and allows US possession of the Canal zone in Panama. -
Purchasing land
The United States buys French land in Panamathat is where the canl will be. The US bought the French land for $40 million. -
Gorgas takes out yellow Fever
Yellow fever and malaria were taking several lives of the workers who worked on the canal. Gorgas made it has mission to stop the mosquitos. He had to make many changes but in about a year or so, yellow fever was history. -
Roosevelt To Panama!
President Roosevelt becomes the first American president to Travel outside of the country. He went to Panama to see the Panama canal that he was building and pep up his workers. -
canal opens!
Canal video After several years of hard work, hardships and progress, the canal is officially open for business!!! Now the impossible was made possible. Now sailors could get from the pacific to the atlantic ocean without having to go around the entire continent of souuth america.