Panama canal gatun locks opening

Panama Canal

By kjolly
  • Roosevelts offer to Columbia

    Roosevelts offer to Columbia
    Roosevelt wanted the Panama Canal built... So he offered Columbia $10 million in cash, $250 thousand yearly in rent to allow the U.S. to build a canal through Panama.
  • The Revolt

    The Revolt
    In 1903, a revolt took place. U.S. "gunboats" waited in the harbor to provide support to the rebels. U.S. marines landed in Colon to prevent hostile Comlumbian troops from reaching Panama City. Although Rossevelts "gunboat diplomacy" was critisized by many... On this day, the nation of Panama was born.
  • U.S. has Control

    U.S. has Control
    The U.S. immediatly recognized the independent Republic of Panama, and three days later, on November 6, 1903, a Frenchman acting for Panama signed a treaty. This treaty gave the U.S. permanent use and control of a 10-mile-wide zone across the Isthmus of Panama. We offered $10 million plus $250 a year in rent to build the Canal.
  • The start of the Panama Canal

    The start of the Panama Canal
    After the treaty was signed by a frenchman in 1903, about a year later in 1904, the U.S government began to build a canal across the Panama. President Rossevelt ureged the engineers to "make the dirt fly."
  • Disaese Stuck in the Panama

    Disaese Stuck in the Panama
    Disease was the first great obstacle to building the canal across Panama. Most people thought the damp night air caused yellow fever and malaria. Cuban dorctor, Canos Jaun Kinlay, discovered that yellow fever was transmitted by a certain type of mosquito. English doctor, Ronald Ross, found that a different type of mosquito caused malaria.
  • Wipe Out

    Wipe Out
    1906, William C. Gorgas nearly wiped out yellow fever and reduced malaria in Panama. Gorgas directed workers to clear brush and drain swamps where mosquitos live. Therefore; workers could get back to building the canal across Panama.