Roosevelts Offer
In 1902 the United States was a huge world power. But, the U.S. needed to link the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Linking the two would shorten the time the Navy took to get to Cuba, and it would help global trade. Roosevelt offered Panama, which was a Colombian colony at the time, $10 million in cash and $250,000 in yearly rent to pay for the canal which was to be placed on the isthmus of Panama. -
Revolt in Panama
U.S. gunboats waited in the harbor of Panama to support the Panamese rebels. Theadore Roosevelt was criticized for his "dollar diplomacy." Panama gained independence and gave the U.S. the Panama isthmus. -
Revolt Ended
The treaty was signed by a Frenchman in Panama which gave us permanent use and control of the canal. It also gave the U.S. a 10-mile wide zone across the isthmus of Panama. The U.S. agreed to a $10 million dollar contract and $250,000 in yearly rent. This gave more strength to Panama and the U.S. started the plans for building the canal. -
Building the Canal
U.S. starts construction on the canal on March 3, 1904. There were many problems during the construction. One was a huge mountain that they had to dig through. They used steam shovels and dynamite to blast through the hard rock. -
Fighting Disease
In Panama, mosquitos carried yellow fever and malaria which were killing the workers like flies. And until the disease could be contained, no real work on the canal could carry on. William C. Gorgas, an American expert on tropical disease and and a colonel in the military, decided to take up the problem. But it wasnt until Carlos Juan Finlay, found that the disease came from the mosquito. At Gorgas' orders, workers began clearing out bushes and swamps. This worked and work on the canal began. -
Construction is Finished
Steam shovels broke through the Culebra cut, and the last cement was laid. The chagres filled the Gatun Lake, as engineers worked for the canal's first trial. On September 26 the first steam boat sailed through the huge locks. -
The Canal is Opened
Despite of all the setbacks, the canal was finished six months ahead of schedule. The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans were finally connected. The rest of the world hardly noticed. Mainly because of the war and other larger projects. In fact, the French had plans to build a canal in Panama. -
Panama Canal Given Away
The Panama Canal was officially given to Panama in 1999. Since then, over 922,000 ships have used the canal. Back in 1977, in November, President Jimmy Carter signed the Panama Canal Treaty which promised to give Panama the canal in the year of 2000. It also gave us neutrality in that region. In May of 2006, a record toll of $249,165 was paid. The smallest recorded toll was a mere 36 cents paid by Richard Halliburton who swam the canal in 1928. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no9k3Qtwoy8 -
There was alot of events leading up to and during the construction of the canal. Firstly, Teddy Roosevelt devised a plan to buy the isthmus of Panama. In November 6, 1903, Panama claimed it's independence from Colombia. Before the canal could be built, William C. Gorgas had to rid the land of disease- carrying mosquitos, which he did with success. Finally, the canal opened on August 15, 1913. "He makes nations great, and destroys them; He enlarges nations, and guides them." Acts 17:26. -
Works Cited
"Yellow Fever and Malaria in the Canal." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2016. "Panama Canal." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 2 Dec. 2016. Web. 12 Dec. 2016. Davidson, James West., and Michael B. Stoff. America. History of Our Nation. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. Print.