

  • Panama Bay

    Panama Bay
    The U.S troops landed in panama. They protected the U.S citizens and the railroad.
  • Bay

    U.S. troops land at Bay of Panama, Colombia to protect U.S. interests during hostilities over who should govern Panama.
  • Vaults?

    The U.S troops land in Colón. They were there to guard Vaubles and to protect safes and vaults.
  • Victory

    The U.S. victory against Spain in the Spanish-American War yields four territories with major ports for the U.S. Navy
  • Poverty

    The U.S. troops land in Panama to protect U.S. property and to keep the railroad open. Washington decides definitely to build the Panama Canal.
  • Roosevelt

    In November, the Theodore Roosevelt Administration engineers the separation of Panama from Colombia. The Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty is then negotiated for the building of a canal.
  • The Canal

    The Canal
    The Panama Canal opens. U.S. troops control a ten-mile-wide Canal Zone across the middle of the country.
  • Election Push-back

    Election Push-back
    Extra U.S. troops to provide police duty at Chiriquí during election disturbances and subsequent unrest. In 1918, President Ciro Urriola issues a decree that postpones elections.
  • William Preston Stoute

    William Preston Stoute
    William Preston Stoute causes major strikes and is now banished from the country.
  • Strikes

    Extra U.S. troops were sent to keep order and protect U.S. interests during rent strikes by tenants.