Palestinian Genocide

By Zuzu03
  • Rishon Le Zion(Major Zionist Establishment)

    Rishon Le Zion(Major Zionist Establishment)
  • Sykes Picot(A secret agreement that divided the Middle East between the French and the British)

    Sykes Picot(A secret agreement that divided the Middle East between the French and the British)
  • Balfour Declerations(The Britishpromise the Jews a nation that was already promised to the Palestinian people)

    Balfour Declerations(The Britishpromise the Jews a nation that was already promised to the Palestinian people)
  • Protest against the Jewish immigration

    Protest against the Jewish immigration
  • Izz Ad-Din Al-Quasam(Palestinian revolution leader) is killed

    Izz Ad-Din Al-Quasam(Palestinian revolution leader) is killed
  • Exodus (Jewish Refugee Boat)

    Exodus (Jewish Refugee Boat)
  • Arab-Isreali War

    Arab-Isreali War
  • Palestinian Liberations Organization is Created

    Palestinian Liberations Organization is Created
  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
  • Palestinian Liberations Organization gets recognized as the representation of the Palestinian people

    Palestinian Liberations Organization gets recognized as the representation of the Palestinian people
  • First Intifada(Revolution)

    First Intifada(Revolution)
  • Palestinian National Council proclaims the establishment of the Palestinian State

    Palestinian National Council proclaims the establishment of the Palestinian State
  • Second Intifada

    Second Intifada
  • Yasser Arafat Dies

    Yasser Arafat Dies
  • Israel Passes Law Retroactively Legalizing Almost 4,000 Settler Homes Built on Palestinian Land

    Israel Passes Law Retroactively Legalizing Almost 4,000 Settler Homes Built on Palestinian Land
  • Israeli Defense Soldiers attack Palestinian citezens at Al Aqsa Mosque

    Israeli Defense Soldiers attack Palestinian citezens at Al Aqsa Mosque