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    Zionist movement

    Made by a man named Theodor Herzl.
    It was an organized political and religious movement. He abdicated for the creation of a Jewish State in Palestine.
    “A land without people for people without land” was a popular slogan for the Zionists after the second world war. As a result of the zionist movement Arabs in Palestine also developed an Arab nationalist movement creating tensions between these two groups that continue up until today.
  • Balfour Declaration

    Arthur James Balfour, the british foreign secretary at the moment, wrote a declaration in which he states the british support for establishing Palestine as a nation of Jews.
  • United Nations Resolution 181

    The United Nations Resolution 181 by the United Nations General Assembly in 1947 was to made the division of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states, but the city of Jerusalem was to be governed by an international government so that none of the groups involved had the capital in their power.
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    The Israeli Independence War

    The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine triggered a civil war between the Israel and Arab states. On May 14th, 1948 the Israeli Declaration of Independence was proclaimed. Israel won the war and controlled part of the territory that was given to the Arabs and Jews.
  • Six days War

    In the Arab-Israeli War of 1967, Israel, over a period of six days, defeated the military forces of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan and annexed the territories of East Jerusalem, expanding its territory by 200%. In April 1969, Egyptian president Gamal Nasser declared the 1967 ceasefire void along the canal, and the War of Attrition began. Neither the Egyptians nor the Israelis emerged victorious, and a cease-fire was signed in August 1970.