Timeline of communication through the ages By Tyler Bacon

  • 4000 BCE

    Paleolithic Cave Art

    Paleolithic Cave Art
    It was the first way that people expressed their creativity. The only prehistoric text that we have evidence of.
  • 3500 BCE


    Mesopotamian writing or scripts made on clay tablets. Wasn't a single writing system.
  • 1999 BCE

    Egyptian Hieroglyphics

    Egyptian Hieroglyphics
    Hieroglyphs Were the main form of writing and communication in Ancient Egypt.
  • 1400

    Illuminated Manuscripts

    Illuminated Manuscripts
    They are hand written books with painted decoration that usually includes precious metals such as gold or silver. The pages were made from animal skin.
  • 1436

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    a machine that transfered text and images from movable type to paper or other media by means of ink.
  • Telegraph

    Professor Samuel Morse, began working on his version of the telegraph, he also developed Morse Code.
  • Telephone

    Italian innovator Antonio Meucci is credited with inventing the first basic phone in 1849, and Charles Bourseul devised a phone in 1854, Alexander Graham Bell won the first U.S. patent for the device in 1876.
  • Radio

    the first time they were able to send a wireless morse code message to a person over a mile away in 1895, and the first transatlantic signal on the 12th of December 1901.
  • Computers

    The first computer was invented in 1822 but was not built until 1991. Alan Turing invented computer science. The ENIAC was the first electronic general purpose digital computer; it filled a room. The Micral N was the world's first “personal computer”
  • Television

    The Television was first shown in San Francisco in 1927. The system was designed by Philo Farnsworth, who had been working on it since 1920. The Television uses electronic signals to produce images on a video screen.
  • Gaming Systems

    Gaming Systems
    The first video game consoles were produced in the early 1970's. Ralph Baer came up with the concept of playing simple, spot based games on a television screen in 1966, which later became the basis of the Magnavox Odyssey in 1972.
  • Internet

    January 1, 1983 is considered the official birthday of the Internet. Prior to this, the different computer networks did not have a standard way to communicate with each other.
  • Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial Intelligence
    Alan Turing was the first person to carry out substantial research in the field that he called Machine Intelligence. AI research was founded at a workshop held on the campus of Dartmouth College, USA during the summer of 1956. Those who attended would become the leaders of AI research for decades.