Paitin's first 18 years of life

  • First Few Months

    1. My parents and I traveled a ton over the spring and summer
    2. We spent time with a bunch of family
    3. I begin moving: Crawling, standing, walking
  • Paitin Is Born

    Paitin Lydia VanDusen was born at Spectrum Health on May 22, 2006
  • My First Birthday

    My First Birthday
    My Oma hosted a party for my first birthday with a ton of close family and friends. When it came time to open gifts, I opened a book called "I'M A BIG SISTER" (By Joanna Cole). That revealed that my mom was pregnant with my little sister
  • Braylee Is Born

    During my first birthday party, I opened the book "I'm A Big Sister by Joanna Cole". That was how my mom revealed her pregnancy with Braylee. Braylee Kay VanDusen was born on January 17, 2008
  • 2 Years Old

    I'm slowly learning to be a good big sister despite being an energetic young girl.
  • 3 Years Old

    3 Years Old
    Many exciting things happened in 2009.
    I had my third birthday, We moved to a new house about 20 mins from the old one, and I started 3 y-o pre-school
  • 4 Years Old

    4 Years Old
    I'm in 4 y-o pre-school, and I love to learn. I'm enjoying learning to read, and I love to dance/listen to music
  • 6 Years Old

    6 Years Old
    2011-2012: I graduate kindergarten, and I go into first grade. My teacher is Mrs. Keller, another one of my favs. During first grade, I meet one of my best friends Addy
  • 5 Years Old

    5 Years Old
    I turn 5 in mid-2011, and in the fall, I start kindergarten. My teacher is Mrs. Morrell, and she remains one of my favorite teachers through elementary
  • 9 Years Old

    9 Years Old
    I finish 3rd grade, and it comes time for summer. In the fall I begin 4th grade. It was my favorite elementary year, as we did a ton of fun science experiments
  • 8 Years Old

    8 Years Old
    I start 3rd grade, and at orientation, I meet my other bestie Sam. My teacher isn't great, and I start having a harder time in school
  • 7 Years Old

    7 Years Old
    I'm now in 2nd grade, and I happen to have Mrs. Morrell again, along with Mrs. VanderVeen. During the spring, I decide to join running club. So far, I'm enjoying elementary school
  • 10 Years Old

    10 Years Old
    When I turn 10, I graduate 4th grade.
    There's a procession and a breakfast held to celebrate us kids.
  • 11 Years Old

    11 Years Old
    After the fun year of 4th grade, I start 5th grade. I don't like my teacher, and I have another difficult academic year
  • 12 Years Old

    12 Years Old
    After a terrible 5th grade year, I start 6th grade, and things improve significantly. I get the extra math help I need, and I become an avid reader
  • 13 Years Old

    13 Years Old
    I go into 7th grade, and I'm reunited with one of my good friends. We meet up almost every day to catch up. I'm enjoying school, and things are going well.
  • 14 Years Old

    14 Years Old
    2020 was an eventful year.
    1. I'm in 8th grade.
    2. I meet my cousin in January, and I go into my HSM fangirl phase.
    3. The pandemic begins in March,
    4. I turn 14 in May,
    5. And I get my braces off in early June
  • 15 Years Old

    15 Years Old
    2020-2021 finally goes back to normal. I go into my freshman year of High School. We have to wear masks, but overall, I'm just happy to go to school
  • 16 Years Old

    16 Years Old
    My Sophomore year of high school comes with more change.
    1. I'm involved in bowling and theatre
    2. I get my license in early September
    3. I suffered a hard loss in early February, changing my art life forever
  • 17 Years Old

    17 Years Old
    Just 9 days before my birthday, I got my first car, a beautiful 2009 CRV from my mom's cousin and his wife.
  • 18 Years Old

    I haven't turned 18 yet, but my birthday is in about 3 months