Paideia - Timeline of Germany in WWII

  • Italy-German Pact signed

    Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany sign a cooperative treaty, leading into the creation of the Axis powers.
  • Initial Axis powers formed

    The Berlin-Rome Axis powers are announced as a new alliance in Europe.
  • Germany absorbs Austria

    This is one of the first cases of appeasement to Nazi Germany.
  • Germany absorbs Czechoslovakia

    Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich agreement, which allows Germany to absorb the territories and people of Czechoslovakia.
  • France and Great Britain stand in defense of Poland

    The nations guarantee the integrity of the borders of the Polish state.
  • Germany and Russia sign non-agression pact.

    This means that Nazi Germany will not invade Soviet Russia, if following the treaty.
  • Germany invades Poland

    This invasion initiates WWII in Europe.
  • Great Britain and France declare war on Germany

    The countries honor their promise to Poland after Germany crosses the Polish border, an act of war.
  • Germany invades Denmark and Norway

    Germany continues its expansion, as Denmark surrenders immediately, while Norway remains opposed until June 9th.
  • Germany begins its invasion of Western Europe.

    Starting with the occupation of Luxembourg on May 10th, followed by the surrender of the Netherlands on May 14th, and Belgium on May 28th. France is also attacked.
  • France signed Armistice with Germany

    After a long invasion, France gives in to the Nazi regime, allowing Germany to further expand its European control.
  • Nazi Germany and its Axis partners invade the Soviet Union

    The beginning of the end for the Nazis as they head towards a winter war with Russia.
  • Nazi Germany and its Axis partners declare war on the United States.

    This is in response to the United States declaring war on Japan, who had an alliance with Germany.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Instead of being captured or killed by enemy forces, Hitler kills himself in his bunker.
  • Germany surrenders to Western Allies

    Germany is forced to surrender to countries such as the US, England, and France.
  • Germany surrenders to Soviet Russia

    After a long battle against Russia, Germany is finally forced to give in.