Uneaqle Treaties
United States and Japan sign Treaty or Kanagawa. Japan must open five forts to American trade. Americans can live in port cities, but did not have to obey Japanese laws. Paid very small tax on imported things, "flooded " Japan with cheap products. -
Meiji Restoration
Emperor Meiji restored as supream ruler of Japan. Japan begins modernization-new army, sent peopleto study in foreigien countries, develop technology, -
Commador Perry
Commodor Perry arrives in Japan and forces Japan to open it's ports to Amerlican ships, to resupply. United States also demanded Japan to start trading. He took out giant guns an said do it or else, (gunboat deplomacy) -
Meiji Constitusion
Emperor restored to most powerful. State Shinto religeon. New land laws. -
Sino-Japanese War
In 1894 China and Japan had war together. The reason that a war broke out was because, Japan wanted to have more land because of increasing population. They also wanted more power. In the result of the war Japan recieved Taiwan and China (in payment) gave Japan the southern tip of Manchuria (Liaotung Peninsula). -
Russo-Japanese War
In 1904 on Febuary 8 the Russo-Japanese war broke out (Japan against Russia). The reason this war broke out was because, Russia and Japan both wanted the land, Liao Tung peninsula. Even though Japan had a lack of iron, coal and other raw matterials they won the war. Japan also had a lack of food because they did not have much arable land and their population was growing. The lack of land also came up in Japan. Because Japan was constantly growing in population they needed more land. -
Resource Supplier
In the 1930's Japan did not have any oil, rubber and other natural resources of it's own. The Japanese did not recieve any natural resources from other countries so they looked with envy at the Dutch, French, British colonies. The Japanese saw markets for themselvese in countries like China and Korea because they were nearby. -
The Competition
In 1937 the USA and Japan started to compete for the same resources. They were also competeing against Asian markets. The Japanese got most of it's metal, copper and oil from America, this made the Americans concerned. -
Baton Death March
The soldiers walked 65 miles, they were POW's (prissoner of war). In April 1942 in the Phillipeans. If they stopped walking, they were killed. -
Doolittle raid
The American souldiers took their plane carriers and drove out closer to Japan. They were seen so instead of going closer to Japan the planes took off right away and bombed Japan. Because they didn't have much fuel thet either died of crash landed in China. -
Battle of the Coral sea
• April 1942
• Stalemate; Japan and USA both lose one aircraft carrier -
Battle of Midway
• June 1942
• America intercepted coded message
• Americans ambush Japanese navy; Americans defeat “cream” of Japanese navy (their very best pilots
• Turning point in war in Pacific -
Battle of Guadal Canal
• August 1942-Feb 1943
• Thousands of lives lost on both sides, indicator of number of American/ Japanese lives would be lost in the war. -
Atomic Bomb Hiroshima