Commodore Perry
Commdore Perry arrives in Japan and forces Japan to open its ports to American ships to resupply. United States also demanded trade between Japan and the United States -
Meiji Restoration
Meiji Constitution
Emperor restored to most powerful. State Shinto religion. New land laws. People elected a Congress (Diet). -
Sino-Japanese war
Japan gained Korea and Port Arthur -
Russo Japanese war
Japan fights against russia over Manchuria. -
World War One
Japan got a big opportunity to export goods to the supply demanding Europe. Japan gained the Qingdao Peninsula, the Marshall Islands, Marianas and the Carolines -
Japanese Invasion of Korea
Japan invaded Manchuria. Chiang Kai-shek leader of China opposed the Japanese threat. -
Japan depended on the USA
A lot of trade between Tokyo and Washington. FDR bcame concerned that Japan depended on the USA for most of its metal, copper and oil.
Japan invaded China capturing big portion of its coast. -
Battle of Guadalcanal
thousands of lives were lost on both sides -
Bataan Death March
American soldiers in The Pillipines were marched 65 miles north by the Japanese to a POW camp. If you stopped walking you were killed -
Doolittle Raid
The Doolittle Raid was an attempt to cheer the american army up and make more people join the army. -
Battle of Coral Sea
Stalemate; each side loses one aircraft carrier -
Atomic Bomb
United States drpped atomic bomb on Hiroshima