Unequal Treaties
United States and Japan sign the Treaty of Kanagawa. Japan must open five ports to American trade. Americans can live in port cities, but did not have to obey Japanese laws. Paid very small lax on imported items; "flooded" Japan with cheap products. -
Commodere Perry
Commondere Perry arrives in Japan and forces Japan to open it's ports to American Ships to resupply. United states also demanded Japan to begin trading. (Gunboat Diplomacy) -
Meiji Resoration
Emperor Meiji restored as supreme ruler of Japan. Japan begins modernization - new army, sent people to study in foregin countris, devolped technology (trains, ships,telegraph). -
Meiji Constitution
Emperor restored to most powerful. State Shinto religion. New land laws. People elected a Congress (Diet). -
Sino Japanese War
This was a fight over control of the Liaotung Peninsula and Port arthur, a very usefull trading port. At the end of the war Japan was victorious and gained control of the Peninsula. -
Russo-Japanese War
Japan had deafeted the Russian imperial forces for control of Manchuria. The Japanese did not gain reparations payment due to peace negotiator US President Theodore Rosevelt. -
World War 1
When a Serbian assissin killed the arch duke of Austria-Hungary the Austria-Hungarians declared war on Serbia. Both of these countries had lots of allinces so many european countries joined in the war. Japan joined the side of the allies so they could attack Germany's western islands. During this time in Europe there was a shortege of labor so Japan became a big supplier of industries for these countries. -
Japan Invasion of Manchuria
The Japanese Imperial Army invaded the Chinese area of Manchuria. The American supplied the Chinese with weapons to fight the Japanese they supplied these by using the Bruma Road. -
United States Worried About Trading With Japan
The United States was becoming worried about trading with Japan because the Japanese were using their resources to fight the Chinese. -
Germany Invades Europe
Germany begins its mass invasion of Europe they captured Denmark, Normay, the Nertherlands Belgium, Luxembourg, and France. The United States stayed isolationist during this time (not wanting to get involed. -
Germany Attacks Soviet Union
Germany Attacks Soviet Union so USSR couldn't protect its Eastern borders so Japanese troops were free to invade Indochina. -
Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor
The Japanese attack the American Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. -
Bataan Death March
70,000 Fillipino and Americans are captured and force to walk 65 miles with around 20,000 causilties. -
Doolittle Raid
16 American b-25's bomb 5 major cities in Japan many of the piolits where executed or put in prison. -
Battle of the Coral Sea
Stalemate: Japan and United States both lose one aircraft carrier. -
Battle of Midway
Americans intercept Japanese coded message. Americans ambush Japanese Navy. Defeat "cream" of the Japanese Navy (their best pilots). Turning point in the Pacific. -
Battle of Guadalcanal
Thousands of lives lost on both sides; indicator of number of American/ Japanese lives that would be lost in the war. -
Hiroshima Bombing
United States dropped atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.