Pacific and Atlantic Theatre Battles

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    Battle of The Atlantic

    A continuous showdown between Nazi troops and British, United States, and Canadian naval troops. Germans sent U-boats to disrupt allies and allies developed new technology to counteract their attacks.
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    Battle of Britain

    This was a German attempt to take control of Britain, fought over the English canal. Nazi Germany failed to seize control of British land and was forced to retreat back across the canal. This made Britain now stand in solidarity against Nazi Germany however inspired its citizens and finally took a stand against Hitler's rule
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    Battle of Bataan

    Attempt by Japan to take hold of the Philippines. Lead to heavy allied casualties and the Bataan Death March
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    Battle of Midway

    Took place shortly after Pearl Harbor, Japan desired a victory similar to that of Pearl Harbor however US codebusted their plans and were able to plan ahead and prevent it. It really showed and tested the capability of the US Intelligence Agency.
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    Battle of Guadalcanal

    Took place on the Solomon islands and was a surprise attack by the Allies. This was a major victory in the pacific theatre because the Allies now had control of the sea lines between USA and Australia. Both sides (Japan vs USA/Australia) suffered heavy causalities.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    This was the surprise battle by Hitler ending the Nazi-Soviet pact. Nazi armies marched into Russia to take control of the heavily industrialized city, Stalingrad. However German troops weren't prepared for Russian winter and the Soviets' army was stronger than anticipated, resulting in heavy German/Nazi casualties.
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    Operation Torch

    This plan was intended to take French footholds in Africa and distract Axis forces, allowing Allies a way in. It did distract Axis forces, however fell short of the expectations
  • Operation Overlord (D-Day)

    Operation Overlord (D-Day)
    A battle involving troops from Britain, Canada, America, Belgium Australia, Czechoslovakia, France, Greece, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, and Poland stormed the beaches of Normandy Germany. This attack caught Germans by surprise and now forced them to fight a two front war.
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    Battle of Leyte

    Occurred on Japanese controlled Phillipe Island of Leyte where Japan tried to converge the Allied forces at the Gulf. Ended with crippled Japanese forces, and allowed Allies to enter Philippines and secured their [Allied] control of the Pacific
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    Battle of Bulge

    This was a battle between Nazi-German forces and United States and Britain allied forces, where Germany attempted to take land in hopes to interrupt Allied communication methods. Germany suffered irreplaceable damages to an already weakened military. American armies also suffered high casualties.
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    Battle of Iwo Jima

    Surprise attack where Japan attempted to outwit their enemies by attacking at night, USA push to take the airfields of that island. Allies didn't end up using the island making it virtually useless.
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    Battle of Okinawa

    Part of the last major push to force Japanese troops back and part of Operation Iceberg. Both suffered casualties and the Japanese believed they could outsmart the allies however they fell short in planning. Due to rumors about the American army, many Japanese committed suicide thinking it would be a better way out. The entire battle was one of the bloodiest fought in WW2.