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Pablo Picasso

  • Birth

    Pablo Picasso was born in Málaga, Spain on this day.
  • Period: to

    Pablo Picasso Timeline

    A timeline of Pablo Picasso and his great achievements.
  • Picasso Goes to Advanced Art Classes

    Pablo's family moved away to Barcelona and he started advanced art classes at the School of Fine Arts.
  • Poverty

    Picasso moves often between Barcelona and Paris, living in poverty. During this, he paints "The Blindman's Meal".
  • Fermande Olivier

    Fermande Olivier
    Picasso meets Fernande Olivier who would be his mistress for the next seven years.
  • Henri Matisse

    Henri Matisse
    Pablo meets Henri Matisse, a great French artist.
  • Picasso Creates Cubism

    Picasso Creates Cubism
    Picasso worked with Braque to create the concept known as "Cubism"
  • Eva Gouel

    Picasso's next mistress
  • Moves to Rome

    Moves to Rome
    Picasso leaves for Rome to work with "The Ballets Russes"
  • Marries Olga Koklov

    Marries Olga Koklov
    Picasso married Olga Khokhlova
  • Birth of Son

    Birth of Son
    His son Paulo is born
  • Marie-Thérèse Walter

    Marie-Thérèse Walter
    Picasso's meets her and they soon become lovers
  • 1935

    During this time in Picasso's life, he stops painting and starts writing poetry. His daughter from Marie is born.
  • Francoise Gilot

    Francoise Gilot
    Picasso's meets this woman who also becomes his mistress.
  • Birth of Claude

    Picasso's daughter Claude is born
  • Birth of Paloma

    Picasso's daughter Paloma is born
  • Lenin Peace Prize

    Picasso receives the Lenin Peace Prize
  • Marries Jacqueline Roque

    Marries Jacqueline Roque
    Picasso and Jacqueline get married
  • Death

    Pablo Picasso leaves his legacy behind him.