Pablo Picasso

  • Birth of Picasso

    Birth of Picasso
  • Family moves to Barcelona

  • Period: to

    Blue Period

  • Beginning of Picasso's Rose period. Meets Fermande Olivier, his mistress for the next seven years

    Beginning of Picasso's Rose period. Meets Fermande Olivier, his mistress for the next seven years
  • Paints Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. Sees African sculptures at the Trocadéro museum. Meets Georges Braque

    Paints Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. Sees African sculptures at the Trocadéro museum. Meets Georges Braque
  • Picasso and Braque 'invent' Cubism

     Picasso and Braque 'invent' Cubism
  • Analytic Cubism

    Analytic Cubism
  • Eva Gouel becomes Picasso's mistress

    Eva Gouel becomes Picasso's mistress
  • Picasso's first collage. Transition to Synthetic Cubism

    Picasso's first collage. Transition to Synthetic Cubism
  • Period: to

    First world war, Death of Eva Gouel

  • Birth of son Paulo. Figures in paintings become more classical and monumental

    Birth of son Paulo. Figures in paintings become more classical and monumental
  • Meets seventeen year old Marie-Thérèse Walter; they become lovers six months later

  • Salvador Dali visits Picasso

  • Marie-Thérèse Walter becomes a frequent model for Picasso

    Marie-Thérèse Walter becomes a frequent model for Picasso
  • First issue of the Surrealist magazine Minotaur for which Picasso designs the cover

    First issue of the Surrealist magazine Minotaur for which Picasso designs the cover
  • A time of anxiety in Picasso's life during which he stops painting and writes poetry. Olga and Paulo move into Hotel California. Marie-Thérèse gives birth to Maya

  • Picasso meets Francoise Gilot, later his mistress

    Picasso meets Francoise Gilot, later his mistress
  • Liberation of Paris. Picasso joins the Communist Party.

    Liberation of Paris. Picasso joins the Communist Party.
  • Visits Matisse in France. Lives with Francoise Gilot

  • Birth of Francoise's first child, Claude. Paints ceramics in Vallauris

    Birth of Francoise's first child, Claude. Paints ceramics in Vallauris
  • Birth of Paloma, daughter of Francoise and Picasso

    Birth of Paloma, daughter of Francoise and Picasso
  • Receives Lenin Peace Prize

  • Francoise leaves Picasso. He meets Jacqueline Roque

    Francoise leaves Picasso. He meets Jacqueline Roque
  • Buys villa 'La Californie' overlooking Cannes. Lives there with Jacqueline

  • Marries Jacqueline Roque

    Marries Jacqueline Roque
  • Period: to

    Picasso confronts death in paintings from his final decade

  • Death of Pablo Picasso

    Death of Pablo Picasso