
Pablo Picasso

  • 25 October Birth of Pablo Ruiz Picasso

  • Family moves to Barcelona

  • Picasso's Blue period (1901-1904)

  • Beginning of Picasso's Rose period

  • Paints Les Demoiselles d'Avignon

  • Picasso and Braque "invent" Cubism

  • Eva Gouel becomes Picasso's mistress

  • Picasso's first collage

  • First world war - Death of Eva Gouel (1914-1918)

  • Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity

  • Leaves for Rome to work with the Ballets Russes

  • Marries Olga Koklova

  • Birth of son Paulo

  • Salvador Dali visits Picasso

  • Marie-Thérèse Walter becomes a frequent model for Picasso

  • First issue of the Surrealist magazine Minotaur for which Picasso designs the cover

  • End of Second World War

  • Picasso confronts death in paintings from his final decade (1963-1973)

  • Death of Pablo Picasso