
Pablo Neruda Timeline

  • Pablo Neruda

    Pablo Neruda
    Pablo Neruda was born July 12th, 1904 in the town of Parral in Chile and His real name is Ricardo Eliecer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto. Pablo’s father was a railway employee and his mother, who died shortly after his birth, a teacher.
  • Pablo

    Neruda became known as a poet when he was 10 years old.
  • Pablo Neruda

    Pablo Neruda
    When Pablo Neruda was 13 he began his literary career as a contributor which is a person who writes articles for a magazine or newspaper it is where he published his first poem or article
  • Pablo Neruda

    Pablo Neruda
    In 1920, he contributed to the literary journal Selva Austral under the pen name Pablo Neruda, which he assumed in honor of Czech poet Jan Neruda.
  • Pablo Neruda

    Pablo Neruda
    Some of his books he wrote were Crepusculario (Book of Twilight), published in 1923, and one of his most popular books Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada (Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair) the same year
  • Pablo Neruda

    Pablo Neruda
    In 1927, Neruda began his long diplomatic career (in the Latin American tradition of honoring poets with diplomatic posts), and he moved frequently around the world.
  • Pablo Neruda

    Pablo Neruda
    Neruda joined the Communist Party of Chile in 1945, but by 1948 the Communist Party was under siege, and Neruda fled the country with his family.
  • Pablo Nerud

    Pablo Nerud
    In 1952, the Chilean government withdrew its order to seize leftist writers and political figures, and Neruda returned to Chile once again.
  • Pablo Neruda

    Pablo Neruda
    In 1972 Pablo Neruda continued to write prodigiously, rising in the ranks of 20th century poets. (The collection of his complete works, which is continually being republished, filled 459 pages in 1951.
  • Pablo

    Diagnosed with cancer while serving a two-year term as ambassador to France, Neruda resigned his position, ending his diplomatic career on September 23, 1973