PA Timeline

By cekehn
  • Period: to

    1900-1926 Paradigm 1: Politics/Admin Dichotomy

    Paradigm 1: Politics/Admin Dichotomy
  • Period: to

    1927-1937 Paradigm 2: Principles of Admin Science

    Paradigm 2: Principles of Admin Science
  • Period: to

    1938-1950 "The Challenge"

    1938-1950 "The Challenge"
  • Period: to

    1950-1970 Paradigm 3: PA as PS

    Paradigm 3: PA as Political Science
  • The Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

    The Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
    The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) began issuing circulars in the mid-20th century to standardize federal administrative practices. Before the Uniform Guidance, federal grant management was governed by multiple OMB Circulars which covered cost principles, administrative requirements, and audit requirements for different types of entities.
  • A-1

    One of the earliest circulars, Circular A-1, established a system for issuing and managing these directives
  • Period: to

    1956-1970 Paradigm 4: PA as Public Administration

    Paradigm 4: PA as Public Administration
  • Circular A-110

    Set administrative requirements for grants and agreements with higher education institutions, hospitals, and other non-profits.
  • Circular A-122

    Circular A-122
    Provided cost principles for non-profit organizations.
  • Circular A-87

    Established cost principles for state, local, and Indian tribal governments.
  • Circular A-21

    Issued in 1958, it provided cost principles for educational institutions and was later relocated to 2 CFR Part 2202.
  • Period: to

    1970-? Paradigm 5: PA as Admin Science

    Paradigm 5: PA as Admin Science
  • Period: to


    During this period, several important circulars were issued or updated.
  • Period: to

    Circulars Issued and/or updated

    During this period, several important circulars were issued or updated
  • Circular A-123

    First issued in 1981, it defined management responsibilities for internal controls in federal agencies.
  • Circular A-133

    Established audit requirements for states, local governments, and non-profit organizations.
  • Period: to


    The OMB continued to refine and update its circulars to improve federal financial management and accountability.
  • Circular A-123

    Circular A-123
    To enhance internal control requirements.
  • 2 CFR 200: Circular A-21; A-87; A-110; A-122

    2 CFR 200: Circular A-21; A-87; A-110; A-122
    The Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) was introduced to consolidate and streamline the requirements of several OMB circulars.
  • DOJ Adoption of Part 200

    DOJ Adoption of Part 200
    The Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) was introduced to consolidate and streamline the requirements of several OMB circulars.
  • Finally Updates!

    Significant updates to the Uniform Guidance are set to take effect on October 1 These revisions include changes to administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements to further streamline processes and clarify existing regulations