Exposition: setting
The short story begins in Klondike Yukon, Canada. It is an extremely cold morning an “a bleak January day”. The temperature is very low and cold which causes dangerous issues (frostbite, dehydration, etc.) -
Exposition: characterization
Tom Vincent is the main character in the novel. He is confident and believes he is capable of beating nature. Tom is stubborn and a mountain man. -
Rising Action
Tom begins to chew when he starts to notice his fingers are numb. Tom is attempting to eat but his fingers are frost bit; the audience begins to notice Tom is in a serious and dangerous situation. -
Rising Action
After hiking for a while up the trail, Tom falls into a pond. -
Tom feels the cold water strike his feet and body. Tom is cool and collected and feels that he needs to make a fire; this is the climax of the story. -
Falling Action
Tom, who at the beginning of the novel was determined to beat nature, realizes the seriousness of the situation. -
Rising Action
He tries to light his hands on fire in order to stay alive. He believes that losing his hands is better than losing his life. -
Tom Vincent escapes and makes it home; this is the resolution of the story.