P.D.Q. Bach is born
"The youngest and oddest of Johann Sebastian’s 20-odd children." - Peter Schickele, 2017 -
P.D.Q.'s father dies
At just the age of 8, P.D.Q.'s father, Johann Sebastian Bach, passes away. -
P.D.Q. Gets his first gig
P.D.Q. Bach accompanies Ludwig Zahnstocher's musical saw performances on the clavier. Picture is of Zahnstocher sawing with a regular, non-music saw. -
P.D.Q. Bach passes away
At the age of 65, P.D.Q. passes away without making much of a mark on the world. -
The majority of P.D.Q. Bach's music is discovered
Peter Schickele discovers the lost works of P.D.Q. Bach and shares them with the world.