Starting a Business

  • Save my money

    Save my money
    Save my money to start a salon. I save over half my paycheck a month. So some of that money will go towards my salon and not to un needed things. I will be doing this over 6 years in hope to start my business in 2025.
  • Period: to

    Starting a salon

  • How much I need to save

    How much I need to save
    I have to expect to spend $40,000 just starting out my business. So saving over the next five years will be really important.
  • Graduate from Kirkwood

    Graduate from Kirkwood
    I am getting my AA degree in business management to help me run my own business
  • Cosmetology school

    Cosmetology school
    This is a trade off because instead of using my money on fun stuff to do I am using my money towards schooling to run my own business.
  • Finally Out of Cosmetology School

    Time to work in someone else salon to earn money for my own
  • Work at someone else's salon

    Work at someone else's salon
  • Create my business plan

    Create my business plan
  • Start my salon