Overthrow of the Monarchy

  • Election of David Kalakaua

    Election of David Kalakaua
    David Kalakaua was elected as the last king of Hawaii. He ran for king and won after the last of the Kamehameha kings died.
    Major role players: David Kalakaua
  • The Reciprocity Treaty

    The Reciprocity Treaty
    The United States and Hawaii gained rights and privileges in each other’s lands. Also, no other nations could have these privileges in Hawaii besides the U.S. Sugar sellers gained more profits from the treaty.
    Major role players: King Kalakaua, United States government, Sugar growers/sellers
  • Excerpts from the Treaty of Reciprocity

    Excerpts from the Treaty of Reciprocity
    There are seven major roles in the Hawaiian kingdom which gave Americans the desire to own land which ended the monarchy in the kingdom of Hawaii, and that is how the reciprocity treaty became available for local sugar farmers to be a part of the U.S. markets.
    Major role players: David kalakaua, Henry W. Severance, John M. Kapena, John A. Peirce
  • The Bayonet Constitution

    The Bayonet Constitution
    The bayonet constitution undermines the authority of King Kalakaua, takes away Native Hawaiian land rights, and gives the vote to foreigners.
    Major role players: Anti-monarchs, King Kalakaua
  • Mckinley Tariff

    Mckinley Tariff
    The Mckinley tariff led to the turning point in the relationship between the United States and Hawaii. It deprived Hawaiian growers of their privileges. Lorrin A. Thurston and the Hawaiian League believed the annexation of Hawaii by the U.S. would solve the tariff problem relating to the sugar as it would make Hawaii no longer foreign to the U.S.
    Major role players: U.S. Congress, Hawaiian sugar planters, American sugar planters, Lorrin A. Thurston, Hawaiian League
  • Death of King Kalakaua

    Death of King Kalakaua
    The death of her brother led Lili´uokalani to become the queen and the successor to the throne. She then worked secretly to frame a new constitution to restore power to the native hawaiians.
    Major role players: Queen Lili'uokalani
  • The provisional government

    The provisional government
    The new authorities of Hawaii could not annex the Hawaiian islands because the new administration was supportive of the Hawaiian king, which made it into a political issue.
    Major role players: Lorrin A, and Hawaii’s interim government
  • The Queens New Constitution

    The Queens New Constitution
    As Queen Liliuokalani was crowned queen she did not make a “responsible government” which was concerned for the foreigners such as Sanford Dole, the US marines, etc. Therefore, that is how it led the US marines to overthrow Queen Liliuokalani and removed her from office.
    Major role players: Queen Lili'uokalani, Sanford B Dole
  • Annexation of Hawai’i

    Annexation of Hawai’i
    The United States have over the kingdom of Hawaii as their own as the Hawaiian Islands become apart of the U.S.
    Major role players: Lorrin Thurston, Francis Hatch, and William Kinney