Annexation of hawaii (pp 35 8 012)

Overthrow of Hawaii

  • The Election of King David Kalakaua

    The Election of King David Kalakaua
    After Lunalilo passed, David Kalakaua was elected by the Hawaiian legislature.
  • The Reciprocity Treaty

    The Reciprocity Treaty
    An agreement that provided duty-free imports of Hawaiian agricultural products in exchange for the use of Pearl Harbor.
  • The Bayonet Constitution

    The Bayonet Constitution
    A constitution, in which King David Kalakaua was forced to sign, took away the monarchy of its power and gave more power to Americans without legal citizenship.
  • The Death Of King David Kalakaua

    The Death Of King David Kalakaua
    He died of Bright’s disease on January 20, 1891 at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.
  • Queen Liliuokalani Takes Over The Throne

    Queen Liliuokalani Takes Over The Throne
    After her brother's death, David Kalakaua, she took over the throne and became the first female monarch of Hawaii.
  • Overthrow of the Monarchy

    Overthrow of the Monarchy
    The Committee of Safety staged a coup d'etat against Queen Lilioukalani.
  • The Republic of Hawaii

    The Republic of Hawaii
    The Provisional Government formed themselves into the Republic of Hawaii. A constitution was ratified which required voters to swear allegiance to the republic.
  • The Annexation Treaty

    The Annexation Treaty
    William McKinely was in favor of the annexation so he and three representatives of the Republic of Hawaii signed the treaty and submitted it for ratification.
  • The Annexation of Hawaii

    The Annexation of Hawaii
    The Newlands Resolution passed congress and was signed into law by President McKinely so the Hawaiian Islands were officially annexed by the US.