Over Lapping Empires

By 19-034
  • Period: Feb 13, 1300 to

    Ottoman empire

    The Ottoman they were turkish muslim
  • Feb 13, 1453

    Medmed II captures constantiople

    Medmed II captures constantiople
    Medmed II ruled the Ottoman empire from 1451 to 1481he repared samage caused by fighting and buit palaces mosques and a huge carved bazar
  • Period: Feb 13, 1501 to

    the savavid empire

    The savafids were gaining for power
  • Feb 13, 1520

    The magnicfcint becomes King

    The magnicfcint becomes King
    The Ottoman empire reached its height under suleyman
  • Period: Feb 13, 1526 to

    The Munghai empire

    The Munghai were Turkish Muslims from Central Asia
  • Feb 13, 1556

    Akbar becomes King

    Akbar becomes King
    akbar conqured many new lands and worked to strengthen the gonverment empire