Out of the Dust Timeline

  • Billie Jo was born

  • Livie Killian moves away

  • First time playing on stage / playing for FDR

  • Daddy's Birthday

  • Coming first in State Tests

  • Mum and Billie Jo got burnt bad

  • Ma and the baby brother died

  • Volcano erupted in Hawaii, Kilauea

  • Snow came

  • Came first in State Tests again

  • Rain finally came

  • Haydon P.Nye Died

  • A Family arrives in the classroom

  • The Family in the classroom gives birth

  • Third in Music Competition

  • Haydon Parley Nye's wife died

  • Dust storm came

  • Pete Guymon Dies

  • Government lends money to farms

  • A baby is found

  • Billie Jo runs away

  • Meeting a Man on the train

  • Billie Jo goes back home

  • Billie Jo meets Louise

  • Wheat grows

  • Louise comes to live with them