
Out Of My Mind-Emily Dumas

  • Trapped In

    Trapped In
    Melody has cerebral palsy and she is stuck in a wheelchair. The teachers took one look at her and judged her by thinking she isn't smart enough to be in a "regular" class, so she is put in a special class.
  • Name Calling

    Name Calling
    When Melody got to go into a "regular" classroom, two girls named Molly and Claire, made fun of her. They judged her and assumed that she was dumb, so they made fun of her and called her a retard.
  • Look Who's Smart Now

    Look Who's Smart Now
    Meldoy took a practice test along with the other students. The other students judged her and said she wasn't smart enough to take the practice quiz, but Melody was the only student to get all 50 questions correct.
  • Smarter Then I Look

    Smarter Then I Look
    Mr. Dimmings, Melody"s teacher, judged her by thinking she was dumb, but he realized he misjudged her when she made the Whiz Kidz team, a team for some of the smartest kids.
  • I Have Feelings Too

    I Have Feelings Too
    Melody's teammates judged Melody by saying that she wasn't smart enough to be playing with the Whiz Kidz team in Washington D.C., so they left her behind.