Our Town Timeline

  • Mrs. Gibbs at choir practice

    Some of the ladies in the town along with Mrs. Gibbs, gossips about different things. One of the things they gossip about is the choir teacher and how she is drunk.
  • George and Emily are just friends

    George and Emily talk about school and what has been going on with them lately. (friend stuff)
  • The stage manager introduces Grover's Corners

    The stage manager talks about Grover's Corners and all the exciting stuff that goes on and will go on.
  • George and Emily are engaged

    George takes Emily to the soda shop and they have a long talk about their life. Emily decided she wants to marry him, so they get engaged.
  • The High School Commencement

    Since high school just got out, the school decided to go to the soda shop. (George & Emily go too)
  • George & Emily's Wedding

    George can't wait to marry Emily! They are going to get married today, but Emily is still in bed when he goes to see her. They are eventually married that day.
  • Emily ends up dying in childbirth

    Emily is trying to give birth to her second child, but she dies.
  • Emily visits the land of the living

    After Emily dies, her spirit comes back and wants to visit the land of the living. (she even wants to revisit her 12th birthday)
  • George painfully visits Emily's grave

    George comes to visit Emily at her grave. He lays by her feet with sadness. (some of the dead ladies argue over George's behavior)