Our Town Timeline

By cedgi3
  • 1864

    Either Mrs. Gibbs or Mrs. Webb got married or born. Not clarified.
  • 1884

    Either Mrs. Gibbs or Mrs. Webb got married or born. Not clarified.
  • February 11, 1899

    The day Emily goes back to, her 12th birthday.
  • 1901

    Sam Craig leaves town
  • First day in the play

    The Gibbs and the Webb families are getting ready
  • June, 1903

    The day George and Emily knew they were meant for each other.
  • 1930

    Doc Gibbs died
  • 1904

    George becomes class president, Emily becomes Secretary and Treasurer.
  • July 7, 1904

    George and Emily's wedding day
  • 1905

    First automobile comes to Grover's Corner
  • 1909

    Emily gives birth to her first son.
  • 1910

    Mrs. Gibbs dies
  • Act III begins

    Emily dies
  • 1913

    Sam Craig returns to town
  • 2901

    Time capsule is dug up