Our Town

  • Emily's 12th Birthday

    Emily goes back to her 12th birthday once she realizes she's dead, so she can feel alive again. Despite what the other dead people say she still goes back to live it. She regrets it and later on goes back to the grave.
  • Act l Starts

    We are introduced to all of the characters we will be reading about, and a little back round information about the where, and the who's.
  • Grape Soda

    George finally gets Emily alone and they go get grape sodas. They talk a lot and talk about their feelings for each other, and how George is full of himself.
  • Act ll Starts

    Act ll starts, and they talk about how good of a baseball player George is.
  • Graduation

    High School Commencement.
  • Wedding

    Emily and George get married, despite their cold feet they fall in love.
  • First Child

    Emily gives birth to her first child on this day.
  • Act lll Starts

    The act starts and they show people at Emily's funeral. She died to childbirth. There the stage manager talks about how everyone died.
  • Death

    Doc. Gibbs dies.