Jan 1, 1300
The Ottoman Empire Starts
Osman leads his troops and displaces the Seljuk Turks, he later becomes the leader of the new Ottoman dynasty. -
Jan 1, 1326
A New Capital
Osman and his troops stay siege to the city of Bursa in northwest Turkey. When the city fell, Bursa is made into the capital of the Ottoman Empire. Osman later dies in the same year. -
Jan 2, 1326
After Osman
Osman's son, Orhan, rules after his father's death. He gains control of Thrace in 1345. His son Murad I rules next. He dies in the battlefield while defeating the Serbians. -
Jan 1, 1400
Winning and Losing
Bayezid extends the empire from the Danube River in Bulgaria to the Euphrates River. Mongolian raiders kill his troops in Turkey in 1402 and take him as a prisoner. Bayezid dies in the same year, but the Ottoman Empire is split among his sons. -
Jan 1, 1402
Sons Fight
Bayezid's sons fight for control. Then in 1413, Mehmed wins and reunites the empire, later on he dies in 1421. -
Jan 1, 1453
The End of The Byzantine Empire
Mehmed II lays siege to the Byzantine capital of Constantinople in 1453. Heavy fighting still goes on, but the Byzantine capital was destroyed when Emperor Constantine XI dies in battle. The city is now called Istanbul. -
Jan 2, 1453
Istantbul is More Exciting
Mehmed II rules for thirty years. During his reign, Istanbul becomes a political, cultural, and economic place. They mosques, bazaars, roads, inns, and baths -
Jan 1, 1520
Suleyman I arrives
Suleyman I, known as Suleyman the Magnificent. He conquers parts of western Asia and southeast Europe in his desire to convert people to Islam. -
Jan 1, 1566
Father to Son
At Suleyman I's death, his son Selim II rules. However, he isn't like his dad. He never goes to fight battles and his government is unstable. -
Loser Leaders
Leaders continue to not attack other places and making the empire useless. -
Badly Losing
The empire try to conquer Venice, but failed horribly. -
Greece is Revolted
Greece revolts against the Ottoman Empire and get help from Britain, France, and Russia -
Failing to Reform
Abdul Hamit II tries to reform the empire, but failed to do it -
The Balkan Wars
The goal of the Balkan Wars is to take over the European lands that belong to the Ottoman Empire. They were successful. -
The End of The Empire
The Ottoman Empire has ended.