Ottoman Empire

  • May 3, 1281

    Osman Bey was born.

    Osman Bey was born.
  • Nov 14, 1290

    The empire begins

  • Nov 15, 1326

    The Capture of Bursa

    The Capture of Bursa
    They made it their capital and started a functional political system with taxation
  • Jun 15, 1383

    Murad I dies

    Murad I dies
    And with his death, the Ottoman empire splits between his sons.
  • Period: 1400 to 1500


    The Ottomans recruited Christian children for military purposes, the children would recieve the best education and excelent physical training.
  • 1413

    Mehmet reunites the empire

  • May 29, 1453

    Mehmet II conquers Constantinople

    Mehmet II conquers Constantinople
    Consolidating the Ottoman empire and ending the Byzantine empire.
  • Nov 6, 1494

    Suleiman was born

    Suleiman was born
  • Aug 6, 1515

    Long Apex period

    Long Apex period
    Suleiman keeps conquering territory while he builds magnificent arquitecture. He gets his first son: Mustafa
  • Aug 29, 1521

    Conquest of Belgrade

    Conquest of Belgrade
    Strategic possition for the total conquest of western territory
  • Oct 12, 1529

    Suleiman fails in Vienna

    Suleiman fails in Vienna
    The falling of the Ottoman empire starts here because the defeat showed up the rest of the world that Ottomans weren´t invincible.
    Suleiman promises to return, but he never did.
  • 1534

    Hurrem Sultan (Roxelana) becames wife and gets in the palace

    Hurrem Sultan (Roxelana) becames wife and gets in the palace
    This will be important because she Will try to rpotect the Sultan of any posible treath
  • Mar 16, 1536

    Death of Ibrahim Pasha

    Death of Ibrahim Pasha
    In Hurrem´s mind, Ibrahim was aquiring too much power and he could be a potential menace to the sultan, so she got rid of him after he dinned with the sultan. This Will start a period of tragedies in Suleiman´s life
  • Oct 6, 1553

    Mustafa is executed

    Mustafa is executed
    Suspected for treason, Suleiman ordered to execute his own son.
  • Apr 15, 1558

    Hurrem (Roxelana) dies

    Hurrem (Roxelana) dies
    This will make Suleiman feel destroyed
  • Sep 6, 1566

    Suleiman dies

    Suleiman dies
    Even if the battle of Szigetvár was succes for ottomans, they loosed their most important resource, their sultan.
  • Ottoman Empire falls

    Ottoman Empire falls
    After Suleiman, the empire kept getting smaller until the Turkish won their Independence in november 1st 1922