Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck was born on April 1st, 1815 at Schonhausen northwest of Berlin in the Kingdom of Prussia. Bismarck was born into an aristocratic family.(Encylcopedia of World Biography)
Afterwards he attended the University of Gottingen. -
King Shaka Zulu
King Shaka Zulu becomes the king of the Zulus in Africa. During his reign more than one hundred chiefdoms were brought together in the Zulu kingdom. The kingdom did not survive after Shaka died and was defeated. (The Changing Balance of Power) -
Peterloo Maassacre
Occurred at St. Peter's Field, Manchester England. Calvalry charged into a crowd of 60,000-80,000 people that demanded the reform of parliamentary. The soldiers killed eleven people at the reform meeting. (The Changing Balance of Power) -
Mexico Gains Indepence
Mexioc gains independence from Spain. The people of Mexico rebeled against their own government. The Mexicans disliked the political and economic reforms of Spain to modernize the colony. (The Changing Balance of Power) -
Life After University
Upon graduating University and qualifying as a lawyer, von Bismarck failed to live up to what he had studied at the University of Gottingen. By 1847 he become a new person. He became envolved with politics as a substitute member of the upper house of Prussian Parliament, he had married Johanna von Puttkamer, and he become religious. (Great Leaders, Great Tyramts?) -
Prussian Assembly
Attended the Prussian United Diet where he preached speeches about Jewish emancipation struck contemporary liberalism. In 1848 a liberal revolution swept throughtout the continent of Europe. He considered to walk with peasants of Berlin to free Fredrick William IV from the influence of rebels. (Great Leaders, Great Tyrants?) -
The March Revolution
In March of 1848 people gathered in Berlin to address King William Fredrick IV, he yielded all demands which included a constitution, freedom of speech, and parliarment elections. In May of 1848 a Constituent National Assembly elected leaders which were mostly liberalists, on December 5th, 1848 Bismarck was elected the first Landtag. (Great Leaders, Great Tyrants?) -
Head of Cabinet 1862-1871
Bismarck became Prime Minister of Prussia in (1862-1873). Bismarck was the first chancellor of the German Empire (1871-1890). (www.bbc.co.uk) -
Expanded Germany
He worked on expanding Prussia shpwinf dedication and desire for power. Made an alliance with Austria and Prussia to go against Denmark to win the provinces of Scleswig and Holdstein. Bismarck knew this would soon create a quarrel between both countries powers. (World History: Patterns of Interactions) -
Eliminate Austria
Stirred up conflicts between Schleswig and Holdstein with Austria.Thus, creating a war between Austria and Prussia. Prussia won the war and it humiliated Austria making them lose land including Venetica which was given to Italy. The Prussians took northern Germany and the eastern and western parts of the kingdom were joined. (World History: Patterns of Interactions) -
First Transcontinental Railroad
Also known as the Pacific Railroad. The railroad was built between 1863 and 1869 accross the western United States to connect the Pacific Coast to the Missouri River. It was built on three private companies called the Western Pacific Railroad Company, the Central Pacific Railroad Company of California, and the Union Pacific Railroad Company. (The Changing Balance of Power) -
Franco-Prussian War
False telegram published saying that King Wihelm I insulted the French. Prussians invade northern France and Napolean III captured along with 80,000 Frenchmen. Germans held Parisians under siege for four months, Parisians surrender due to lack of food. Jaunary 18th, 1871, King Wilhem I proclaimed Kaiser or emperor. (World History: Patterns of Interactions) -
Ally With Austria and Russia
Bismarck and his empire attempted to reconcile the past bonds. Tries to create new relations between Russia and Austria. He also created the Dreikdiserbund to the throne. (Great Leaders, Great Tyrants?) -
Samurai Rising
The last Samurai conflict appeared during the Satsuma Rebellion in the Battle of Shiroyama. The previous uprising defeated the Tokugawa Shogunate leading to Meiji Restoration. This led to the premature uprising led by Saigo Takamori. (The Changing Balance of Power) -
Treaty of Berlin
Final act of Congress of Berlin by which the UK, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and the Ottomon Empire revised the Treaty of San Stefano. The treaty recognized the independence of Romania, Serbia, Montenegro and Bulgaria. They divided themselves into kingdoms creating what most countries feared most. (The Changing Balance of Power) -
Well respected and honoured by the time of his death he created a vast and powerful empire. Upon resigning from his posititon, Bismarck retired at his place near Hamburg and died of old age. (www.history.com)