NT Timeline

  • Period: 4 BCE to 33

    Jesus' Life

  • 33


    Jesus’ first followers receive the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and begin to proclaim the gospel
  • 40

    Book of James

    James writes his letter to believers outside Palestine
  • Period: 41 to 44

    Death of James

    James the brother of John dies from Agrippa
  • 48


    Paul writes Galatians, perhaps from Antioch
  • Period: 49 to 51

    1&2 Thessalonians

    Paul writes 1–2 Thessalonians from Corinth
  • Period: 53 to 55

    Gospel of Mark

  • Period: 53 to 55

    1 Corinthians

    Paul writes 1 Corinthians from Ephesus
  • Period: 53 to 55

    Gospel of Matthew

    Matthew publishes his Gospel, which relies on Mark and other sources.
  • Period: 55 to 56

    2 Corinthians

    Paul writes 2 Corinthians from Macedonia
  • 57


    Paul winters in Corinth and writes Romans
  • Period: 60 to 70


    Letter to the Hebrews is written.
  • 62

    Gospel of Luke

  • 62

    Gospel of Acts

  • 62


  • 62


    Paul arrives in Rome and remains under house arrest writing Ephesians
  • 62


  • 62


  • Period: 62 to 64


    Paul writes Titus from Nicopolis
  • Period: 62 to 64

    1 Timothy

    Paul write 1 Timothy from Macedonia
  • Period: 62 to 63

    1 Peter

    Peter writes his first letter (1 Peter) from Rome
  • Period: 64 to 67

    2 Peter

    Peter writes his second letter ( 2 Peter)
  • Period: 64 to 67


    Jude writes his letter
  • Period: 64 to 67

    2 Timothy

    Paul writes 2 Timothy
  • Period: 64 to 65

    Paul and Peter Martyred

    Paul and Peter are Martyred in Rome
  • 70

    Temple Destroyed

    Titus, Vespasian’s son, after a five-month siege of Jerusalem, destroys the temple after desecrating it
  • Period: 85 to 95

    1-3 John

    John writes his letters (1–3 John), probably in Ephesus.
  • Period: 89 to 95

    Gospel of John

    John writes his Gospel, probably in Ephesus.
  • Period: 95 to 96


    John writes Revelation