OT story timeline

  • 4000 BCE

    The beginning

    The beginning
    The story of the Bible begins with God creating the heavens and the earth. It details the story of how the world came to be and how man was created as well.
  • 2515 BCE

    The Flood

    The Flood
    Things get so bad and sinful that God chooses to start new. He chooses a man named Noah and his immediate family. He commands Noah to build an Ark and then sends animals to board the ark with Noah's family. God then sends a massive flood that covers the whole earth wiping out every other living thing. God chooses to spare Noah's family and start again with them. He tells Noah that he will never destroy the earth in the same way ever again and puts his bow in the sky to signify this promise.
  • 2075 BCE

    God Calls Abraham

    God Calls Abraham
    God chooses a man named Abraham to be the father of God's chosen people. God makes a covenant promise with Abraham to make his descendents as numerous as the stars! Abraham obey's God follows his instructions closely.
  • 2055 BCE

    Birth of Isaac

    Birth of Isaac
    Abraham first offspring that would be God's chosen people was Isaac. In 1845 BC Abraham trusted and loved God so much that he was willing to sacrifice his only son if God demanded it of him. However, and angel of the Lord stopped Abraham from doing so, sparing his son Isaac!
  • 1945 BCE

    Joseph sold into slavery

     Joseph sold into slavery
    joseph's brothers trick him and sell him into slavery in Egypt and tell Jacob that Joseph had died.
  • 1940 BCE

    Jacob has 12 sons

    Jacob has 12 sons
    Jacob has 12 sons from various wives. The most important character is Joseph who was a younger son. Jacob favored Joseph and gave him a special coat that made his brothers very jealous.
  • 1851 BCE

    Baal Eliminated

    Baal Eliminated
    During Elisha's time as prophet for Israel, organized worship of Baal was eliminated, much thanks to Elijah's and Elisha's efforts! Prophets of Baal had been a strong adversary and opponent to God's Prophets for quite some time by this point.
  • 1525 BCE


    Moses is a Hebrew that ends up being raised in the house of Pharaoh. Eventually, Moses has to leave Egypt and spends some time in the Wilderness in Midian.
  • 1500 BCE

    The Burning Bush

    The Burning Bush
    While in the wilderness he encounters a burning bush which is the voice of 'I AM' or God. God calls Moses to be the redeemer of Israel and to lead them out of slavery and into the promised land. Although Moses is hesitant at first, he agrees and goes as God commanded.
  • 931 BCE

    The divided kingdom

    The divided kingdom
    The nation of Israel divides in two, with Jeroboam leading the north and Rehoboam leading the south. The split causes many fractures and faithlessness during this time