Oskar Schindler

  • Oskar Schindler Birth

    Oskar Schindler Birth
    Oskar Schindler was born in Zwittau, Moravia, Austro-Hungarian Empire
  • Married Emilie Pelzl

    Married Emilie Pelzl
    Oskar married Emilie Pelzl in 1928
  • Schindler moved

    Schindler moved
    He went from Kraków from svitavy
  • Liquidation of the Krakow Ghetto

    Liquidation of the Krakow Ghetto
    Allowed be wish workers to stay in factorie overnight
  • SS re-designated plaszow

    Emilia into a subcamp of the plaszow
  • Emalia employment

    Employed 1,700 workers 1,000 of them were Jewish
  • Plant to brunnlitz

    Several versions of a list 1,200 Jewish prisoners worked in the new factory it cam known as the" schildlersr list"
  • Schindler left brunnlitz

    Schindler left brunnlitz
    Soviet troops liberated the camp
  • Schindler and wife emilie settled in Germany

    Regensburgh Germany till 1949 they immigrated to argentina
  • Schindler and wife emilie settled in Germany

    Regensburgh Germany till 1949 they immigrated to argentina
  • Schindler died

    Died in Germany penniless and almost unknown
  • Schindler died

    Died in Germany penniless and almost unknown