OSFC U8 Ao2 Outdoor Ed

  • Scouting movement founded by Robert Powell

    Scouting movement founded by Robert Powell
    This was a book that was written by Robert Powell wh was in the British Army and was made to teach boys about scouting in the outddors and this has lead to people being a part of the scouts that is a group that is still going today.
  • ROSPA Established, inform much of school risk procedures

    ROSPA Established, inform much of school risk procedures
    This was created for health and safety in the UK for all schools so that teachers have guidelines to follow to make sure that the pupils stay safe in outdoor education. It is a charity which these days is mainly known for it's work in road safety in the first world war after there was an alaming amount of children dieing in road accidents.
  • Countyside Code published for the first time

    Countyside Code published for the first time
    This encourages people to look after the countryside and to follow thwe rules so that they don't trespass in private lands and don't harm the wildlife in that area.
  • The Kinder Trespass

    The Kinder Trespass
    This was the first real big moment in outdoor education that is still affecting it today, it was when a group of ramblers went to Kinder Scout to protest to the government so that they can have the right to roam where they like and this led to people even being arrested and eventually led to people being in jail for up 6 months even though there wasn’t and still isn’t a rule that says people can’t walk on these lands of legalisation and new rules were brought up to say where you can and can't go
  • John Dewey pioneered the importance of experiential education

    John Dewey pioneered the importance of experiential education
    This was an experimental kind of outdoor education created by John Dewey that teached people besed upon his past experiances so that people would know how to be safe in the outdoors and how to survive and look after it as well.
  • First UK Outward Bound Centre, Wales

    First UK Outward Bound Centre, Wales
    This was the first organisation that was set up by Kurt Hahn and Lawrence Holt called Outward Bound which is an organisation that pioneered outdoor education to make it what it is today so that people of a young age mainly in schools and colleges could have more experinaces in the outdoors and also have safer experiaces to. It was originally set up for sailors out at sea at a young age and how to cope with the harsh conditions that they had to live in and to give them confidence while at sea.
  • National Parks and Acess to the Countryside Act

    This was one of the first outcomes of the kinder trespass that was made so that the public could have access to most coutrside areas except for those privatley owned and also this there parks made for people to visit.
  • Countryside Commission established

    Countryside Commission established
    This was established for the UK to co-ordinate government activity in relation to National Parks
  • Second UK Outward Bound Centre, Eskdale

    This was the second outward bounds centre that was made in Eskdale.
  • Peak District becomes the first National Park

    This was the first national park for the public in the UK as a result of the kinder trespass.
  • To 1983 Keneth Oldham conducted outdoor education for children and wrote the first guide to the Pennine Way

    Keneth Oldham creatded a guide for peple living around the Pennine Way so that they could understand about that area and what to do when you are there.
  • Kurt Hahn founded the DofE

    This was another creation of Kurt Hahn who was there to give outdoor opportunities to young people around the UK and the DofE was made for people aged 14-25 so that they could have the experinace of living in the outdoors and also going camping and improving their skills in the outdoor and how to stay safe and look after the countryside and it provides awards for them to attain, these are the Bronze, Silver and Gold awards that can be acheived from taking part in their expedition.
  • Outward Bound goes to the USA

    This was showing that the outwards bounds organisation was getting more popular and was a trustworthy source that other countrys decided to pick up on it.
  • MLTB founded

    These are the people that run the qualifications for people in the UK so that that they can teach it to people and they also make sure that people that are going to teach that sport have the right qualifications so that the people taking part in outdoor education.
  • Pennine Way completed

    This was made for the public so that they could roam around it.
  • Institute for Outdoor Learning began

    This was when the institute for outdoor education was created for the UK which encourages people to take part in outdoor learning by providing the opportunity and making it safer and with a better quality.
  • National Curriculum created

    This was when the national curriculum was created for PE in the UK so that they can create for outdoor education for schools but not make it compulsory but make it so that they can have more opportunites in the outdoors and create more rules and guildlines for teahcer to follow by.
  • Lyme Bay Tragedy

    This was a massive tragedy in the UK where people teaching conoeing to children in Lyme Bay and was publisized in the UK because it led to the death of two school children because the two instrucors weren't preparded and when they took 8 children on this trip it didn't end very well and 2 unfautunetley died led to the AALA being creatded for the UK. This was because the weather wasn't good and they didn't take that into count.
  • Activity Art created

    This was created for the safety of young children and to create opportuities for them.
  • Adventure Activities Licensing Authority created

    This was created to license and activity in the UK and overseas so that they could have the legalisation that they need so that people in the public can take part in these activitys knowing that they are safe from any problems and so that activitys are legal. They also provide centres for young people up to the age of 18 that don't have the privilages that most people do that they can go on trips in the outdoors and to national parks around the UK.
  • Lyn Cook published the first book documenting the history of OE in the UK

    This was a book made to document the history of Outdoor Education.
  • Countryside Agency formed (Countryside Commission and Rural Development Commission merged)

    This was formed to improve the quality of the rural environment and the lives of those living in it.
  • Countryside and Rights Of Way (CROW) Act of 2000 secured walker's rights over common land and open country

    This is one of the most recent results of the kinder trespass so that people are able to walk over any land that isn't privetley owned and anywhere in the open countyside.
  • PE curriclum includes OE in PE, but not compulsory

    This is when the national curriculum implemented outdoor education so that people could do this at schools and colleges for more experiance in the outdoors but it is not compulsory.
  • October River-Walking on a school Trip leads to two girls from Royds Comprehensive drowning in Stainforth Beck, Settle

    This is another disaster where two girls when on a school trip ended up drowing due to lack of qualifications from the instructors and this raised more awareness to this problem and made people think about what qualifications they need to do the job they have been given. This changed how people thouht about the qualifications that the need more and making sure that everything was in place before taking part in outdoor activity.
  • WGL Award begins

    This is a qualification for mountaineering with 15,000 people qualified.
  • 26th May Glenridding Beck Drowning

    This is where a child while on a trip drowned as the teacher leading the group didn't check the enviroment that they were in and also didn't take in account the weather which affected the child when they drowned and also the teacher didn't have any qualifications for this but no one checked him for this which led to more legalisation in this area.
  • UK Lottery funds a major Summer Camp programme for every UK child to have at least one week long OE camp

    This is where the UK national lottery donated a large sum of money to all schools around the UK so that everyone in their school could ahve enough money to go on a week outdoor education trip.
  • Countryside and Rights Of Way (CROW) Act of 2000 implemented

    .This was another result of the Kinders Tresspass as it allows public access on foot to certain types of land, amends the law relating to public rights of way, increases measures for the management and protection for areas that people might have a scientific interest in. It also make wildlife legalisation enforcement a lot stronger.
  • Lord Adonis manifesto, pledges one major OE trip per pupil whilst at school

    This is where every pupil at school was allowed to go on at least one trip a year so that they could get an experiance in this field.
  • Joseph Lister from Tadcaster Grammar School died potholing on a school trip

    This is when the school trip plan backfired two weeks later as a child while on one of these trips died showing that teachers didn't have enough time to plan and get proper qualifications for this trip.
  • PE curriculum mentions OE as a means to provide challenging opportunities

    This is when the curriculum changed so that people in schools could have more opportunties to take part in outdoor education but also be safer and make sure that their are more guideines that teachers have to follow.
  • Safe Practice in PE and School Sport (BAALPE) updated

    This give people teaching outdoor activities a chance to get the proper qualification in the sport that they need not in other sports so that they can have more guildines to follow and make their activitys safer so that their won't be any more tragedys created from outdoor education.