Oscar Wilde Timeline

  • Oscar Wilde's Birth

    Oscar Wilde's Birth
    Oscar Wilde Fast FactsOscar Wilde was born on Oct. 16, 1854 in Dublin Ireland. His parents names were William and Jane Wilde.
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    Studied at Trinity University

    He studied classic literature with his brother for two years while attending Trinity College in Dublin. He won the Berkley Gold Medal at Tritiny which awarded him a scholarship to Oxford University.
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    Studied at Oxford University

    He became involved with the Atheistic movement while at Oxford.
  • First Poetry Published

    First Poetry Published
    In 1881, Oscar Wildes first collection of poems was published.
  • First Marriage

    First Marriage
    Oscar Wilde married Constance Loyd in London in 1884.
  • Oscar's First Son Born

    Oscar's First Son Born
    Oscar Wilde BiographyOscar's first son, Cyril, was born in 1885.
  • Oscar's Second Son Born

    Oscar's second son, Vyvyan, was born a year after Cyril's birth in 1886.
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    Worked For the Pall Mall Gazette

    Oscar worked as a reviewer for the Pall Mall Gazette. he was eventually appointed editor of The Woman's World.
  • Picture of Dorian Gray Published

  • The Importance Of Being Earnest Published

    The Importance Of Being Earnest Published
  • Oscar's First Trial

    This first trial ended without a verdict.
  • Oscar Wilde Arrested

    Oscar Wilde was arrested under the charges of conducting homosexual acts which were considered a crime in England at that time.
  • Second Trial

    Transcripts of Libel Trial of Oscar WildeHe was convicted with homosexuality and was sentenced to two years in jail with hard labor.
  • Released From Jail

    Released From Jail
    He was released from jail on May 19, 1897 after which he seperated himself from society. He eventually moved backed to Paris where he joined his old socail circle.
  • Oscar's Wife Died

    Oscar's Wife Died
    Constance died in 1898 due to complications with a spinal surgery.
  • Oscar's Death

    Oscar's Death
    Oscar died of meningitis on November 30, 1900. He was buried Pe`re Lachaise Cemetery and rests there still to this day.