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Osama Bin Laden

  • Osama was born

    Osama was born
  • Period: to

    Osama life

  • From 1968 to 1976 he attended the elite secular AI-Thager Model School

    From 1968 to 1976 he attended the elite secular AI-Thager Model School
  • Osama Bin Laden's dad died

    Osama Bin Laden's dad died
  • In 1974, when bin laden was age 17. He married Najwa Ghenem at Latakia, Syria

    In 1974, when bin laden was age 17. He married Najwa Ghenem at Latakia, Syria
  • Osama got a Public Administration degree

    Osama got a Public Administration degree
    Osama bin Laden got a public administration degree from King Abdul-Aziz university in Jeddah. This was a very important date for Osama
  • Training camps

    Training camps
    Osama Bin Laden built his own training camp named Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and began leading battles himself
  • Al-Queda

    In 1988 Osama Bin Laden started his terrorist group Al-Qaeda also known as the base
  • gets kicked out of his family buisness

  • Truck bomb explosion

    Truck bomb explosion
    Osama ordred a truck to go US embassy in kenya killing 224
  • On Sept 11 2000, Osama Bin Laden ordred a plane with explosives in it to crash into a building in New york city

    On Sept 11 2000, Osama Bin Laden ordred a plane with explosives in it to crash into a building in New york city
  • Osama Bin Laden divorced Najwa Ghenem before September 11, 2001

    Osama Bin Laden divorced Najwa Ghenem before September 11, 2001
  • Letter to America

    Letter to America
    On the 24th of November 2002 Bin laden wrote a letter to America saying why Al-Qaeda bombed them. he said to America on his letter: "America will never dream of living in peace unless we live it in Palestine
  • Son was in the hospital

    Son was in the hospital
    Osama Bin Laden's fourth son, Omar Bin Laden, was hospitalized and for a mental disorder
  • On may 2 Osama Bin Laden got murderd by navy seals

    On may 2 Osama Bin Laden got murderd by navy seals
  • the cause of a Osama Bin Laden death is Ballistic trauma

    the cause of a Osama Bin Laden death is Ballistic trauma