Period: to
The Orthodox Church in the 19th Century
The seeds of spiritual renewal, planted in the 18th century, blossomed in Russia. The life of faith showed itself in the lives of Russian saints, missionaries, theologians, and writers of the period. -
Constantinople Massacre
The Constanintople Massacre of 1821 was orchestrated by the authorities of the Ottoman Empire against the Greek community of Constantinople (modern Istanbul) in retaliation for the outbreak of the Greek War of Independence (1821-1830). Leading personalities of the Greek community, in particular the Ecumenical Patriarch, Gregory V, and the Grand Dragoman, Konstantinos Mourouzis, were accused of having knowledge of the revolt by the Sultan, Mahmud II, -
Saint Seraphim of Sarov
Seraphim of SarovCalled the greatest saint in Russian History, Saint Seraphim identified the purpose of the Christian life as the "acquistion of the Holy Spirit." He was canonized in 1903. -
Saint Herman of Alaska
He was canonized for his extraordinary holiness, rxpressed by his self-emptying love for the Alaskan people. -
Saint Nectarios, Metropolitan of Pentapolis and Wonderworker of Aegina
Saint Nectarios of PentapolisMany people regarded St. Nectarios as a saint during his lifetime because of his prayerful life, his humility, his purity and other virtues, and his writings, as well as the miracles he performed. -
Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov
Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov wrote a large amount of material, mostly about the spiritual life and prayer. Most notable is "The Arena" -
Saint John "Innocent" Veniaminov
Called the Equal to the Apostles and Englightener of America, Saint Innocent travelled across Siberia at the beginning of the century. He translated the scriptures, church services, and "The Way to the Kingdom of Heaven" into the Aleut language. He became Bishop of Kamchatka and the Aleutian Islands in 1839, In 1868 he was elected Metropolitan of Mocow and took the name "Innocent". -
The Way of the Pilgrim
Published first in Kazan, this spiritual classic wsa a popular book on the practice of "The Jesus Prayer". -
Optina Monastery
Optina PustynMost of the buildings on the monastery were built in the nineteenth century. A heritage was built for the startsy near the monastery in 1821. Large crowds of devout Christians were attracted to Optina Pustyn, including many notables such as Nikolai Gogal, Ivan Turgenev, Feodor Dostoyevsky, Vasily Zhukovsky, and Vasily Rozanov. -
Saint John of Kronstadt
John of KrinstadtActive in the second half of the 19th century, Saint John was a parish priest with great psatoral gifts which earned him the title of "All-Russian Pastor" His diary of spiritual counsels was published under the title of "My Life in Christ."