
Origins of World War II Timeline by Andrew Nichol

  • Mussolini Takes Control of Italy

  • Hitler Publishes Mein Kampf("My Struggle")

    Hitler Publishes Mein Kampf("My Struggle")
  • Japan Withdraws From The League of Nations

    League of Nations orders Japan to withdraw its army from Manchuria region which was taken over in 1931.
  • Germany Withdraws From The League of Nations

  • Period: to

    Germany Remilitarizes

    Germany begins to remilitarize which went against the Treaty of Versailles.
  • FDR Signs The Neutrality Act of 1935

    FDR Signs The Neutrality Act of 1935
  • Italy Invades Ethiopia

  • Period: to

    Spanish Civil War

    Germany and Italy aid nationalists in Spanish Civil War
  • Rape of Nanjing

    Japanese troops massacre civilians in Nanjing. aka Rape of Nanjing. 300,000 Chinese civilians where killed. 20,000 Chinese women were brutally raped by Japanese soldiers.
  • The Anschluss

    Austria was annexed into the German Third Reich
  • Germany Invades Czechoslovakia

    Germany Invades Czechoslovakia
    On 15 March 1939, German troops marched into Czechoslovakia. They took over Bohemia, and established a protectorate over Slovakia.
    Hitler's invasion of Czechoslovakia was the end of appeasement:
    It proved that Hitler had been lying at Munich.
    It showed that Hitler was not just interested in a 'Greater Germany' (the Czechs were not Germans).
    On 17th March, Chamberlain gave a speech saying that he could not trust Hitler not to invade other countries.
    On 31st March, Chamberlain guaranteed to defend
  • World War II Begins

    World War II Begins